Adopt your own Furry Deviant

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Bang Bang

I procrastinate a lot of things.  For example, I've had the stuff to paint & do the bathroom floor for like 6 weeks now. Its still on the dining room table which I'm supposed to be moving so I can paint the dining room and find and hang the stuf fin there, but first I really wanted to do something w/ the floor in there but then I would have to finish pulling up the carpet in the tiny piece of hallway and fix that... so yeah you see why I never get anywhere.

Regardless I've wanted to get my concealed weapons permit for a while now, probably like 9 years.  I guess since Andrea was murdered at work, I've thought about it more, but never got there. It crosses my mind more on days I have to walk over the spot, but I've just never gotten there.  I'm not sure why I do that with stuff.  For some reason my boss decides that this weekend we will all go and take the classes needed.  I'm not sure she thought this through with an office full of women who all get PMS at the same time. 

I'm perfectly comfortable with guns, but haven't had any actual target practice in years.  I grew up around them, learning to reload shells when I was like 8.  Six out of 8 christmases with my ex I received a gun or something to do with them for a present.  Shame I didn't realize he took all those when I moved him along being as I was dumb enough at the time to register them in my name.  The Hammerhead I dated was fun to target practice with, but alas his guns went with him as well.  And more recently target practice was something we planned to do, but like everything else, it was simply a plan.  

That leaves me with a 38 taurus.  A bit big to carry but maybe if I could find some kind of bra holder, it would fit right on in there.  Perhaps I could just teach on of the dogs to carry it, wonder if there is some kind of law on that... maybe I should get them each one.   I feel fairly safe having 2 dogs that together outweigh me, now if I could teach them to "pack some heat".

Ah well, wish me luck.  Hopeuflly I'll remember I'm left eye dominant and not shoot someones leg off.